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Most effective body weight exercises you can do at home

Neha Puniya Blog's

Exercise is a part of our daily life. It is not only necessary to lose weight, but is also important for keeping our body in good shape and disease free. Even though we all know how important it is to work every day, many of us do not engage in any kind of physical activity. This is either because of our tight schedule or because we don't want to spend much in the gym. But to stay active and get in shape, you don't need a high-grade gym. You can do this in the comfort of your living room without any equipment. 

Here are some best exercise you can do it at home.

Jump Squats

Neha Puniya Blog's

Jump squat is a high impact, full physical exercise that you can add to your cardio routine to help increase strength, speed, and aerobic fitness. This exercise activates your lower body and helps tone your legs and glutes.

Instruction :-

1. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and point the toes slightly outward.
2. Bend your knees and press your hips back, as if you are going to sit in a chair.
3. Push through the heel, jump straight up.
4. Bend your knees slightly and return to the squat position.
5. Repeat until the set is complete.


Neha Puniya Blog's

Burpee is a full body exercise and helps improve your heart fitness. If you have to choose one exercise of all, this would be a smart choice to make.

Instruction :-

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
2. Now bend in a squat position, low to look like a crouch position. 
3. Now place both your feet on the ground between your wide legs.
4. Now move your feet backward to get into a push-up position.
5. Down in a push-up and rise.
6. Jump your feet forward to get your hands into a squat position and then stand to complete a rep.

Stutter Step

Neha Puniya Blog's

The stutter step is a dynamic full body exercise that simultaneously works multiple muscles and strengthens the entire body. It increases your heart rate, increases your metabolism and improves aerobic fitness, flexibility and core strength.

Instruction :-

1. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and in front.
2. Move your left leg backward and raise your hands above your head.
3. When you crunch, bring your left knee up and bend your arms.
4. Repeat and then switch sides.

Mountain Climber

Mountain climbers are a dynamic, compound exercise It helps in building the strength of the stomach and arms. This exercise works on multiple joints and muscles at the same time and targets your triceps, deltoids, abs, back, hip flexors, quads, hamstrings and butt.

Instruction :-

1. Start in a straight line with your body and your hands are slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Keep your toes and feet touching the floor.
3. Bend one knee and bring it near your chest and then back to your original position.
4. Repeat the same with your left leg.
5. It should feel like you are walking on your hands and knees.


Lungs are great for working all major muscles of the hips, glutes and thighs. In this version of the lungs, you are just lowering your knee instead of stepping forward or backward. For beginners, you can try this trick by holding onto a chair or wall for balance. Do it right:

Instruction :-

1. Keep the right foot forward, the left foot about 3 feet apart.
2. Hold the weight in each hand if desired and bend the knees to lower the body towards the floor. Place 3. the front knee behind the toes and be sure to lower straight down instead of forward.
4. Keep the torso upright and in abs as you get into the starting position from the front heel and back.
5. Do not close the knees at the top of the movement.

Flutter Kick Squats

Flutter kicks are an exercise that works on your core muscles, especially the lower rectus abdominal muscles, as well as hip flexors. Flutter kicks give you a cardio boost.  You can perform them by lying on your back, or, if you want to strengthen your back muscles as well, you can do them by lying on your stomach.

Instruction :-

1. Lie on your back, upwards.
2. Keep both hands under your buttocks.
3. Keeping your two legs up, keep your lower back on the ground, keeping the entire hip slightly elevated, so that your core stays in place the whole time.
4. Keep your feet on top of each other, which is on top of the foot, switching and keep your feet off the ground the whole time.
5. For a challenge, lift your head and neck off the floor.
6.The more you bring your legs out with each cross, the more you will feel exercised in your abs muscles.
7. Repeat this motion for 30 seconds.

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